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Muhammad Rozif Abdulloh

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Nama :
Muhammad Rozif Abdulloh

Alamat :
1.PPTQ AL-HASAN Jl. Parang menang no:32 patihan wetan, babadan, Ponorogo
2.PP MIFTAHUL ULUM watulesung, nglanduk, wungu, Madiun

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+62 856 456 11 351

Motto :

Fireworks in the Highest Building

Muhammad Rozif Abdulloh

The atmosphere in the city of Taipei in December when the cold with a thick atmosphere of Christmas and New Year. Offices and shops in main roads, such as Jhongsiao (Zhongxiao) Road, decorated Christmas tree row. Unlike in Indonesia and some other countries, Taiwan is not in the Christmas holidays.

Taipei activity when citizens Christmas day running as normal. No different with the normal day. New Year is also celebrated normal if compared with the Chinese New Year.

Nevertheless, the night turnover for 2008 to 2009 remains a special moment. Residents of the city has 2.6 million people will be entertained party fireworks in the Taipei 101 building. Taipei 101 building is 508 meters high and was recorded as the highest building in the world. As a comparison, high Monas about 137 meters, or quarter only.

Party fireworks in the building Taipei 101 in Taiwan entered the agenda of tourism. Other large cities in the world, such as Paris (France), Berlin (Germany), and Sydney (Australia), also have a habit of presenting the party fireworks in the city of bookmarks each, such as the Eiffel Tower, Brandenburg Gate, or the Sydney Opera House .

Colorful fireworks seconds when the turnover from 2007 to 2008 at the Taipei 101 Building can be found at the site In the video by the four minutes it appears fireworks colors jump from each side of the building accompanied by the sound of explosion. Buildings such as the burning fireworks.

During a visit to the Taipei 101 Building, Wednesday (24/12), tickets for the evening shifts are offered year. The ticket price is more expensive than the regular ticket price of only 400 dollars for adults in Taiwan, the Taiwan dollar 700-1350. 1 Taiwan dollar money equivalent to Rp 350. the most expensive price tickets are for those who want to see the first sunrise in 2009 from the highest building.

Organizing committee promises fireworks party more spectacular than in 2008. Taiwan state tourism bureau, the number of fireworks that will boots reached 16,000 units. Fireworks party theme this year is the red, gold and green symbol of luck, wealth, and devotion to the environment.

May, a Taipei resident, said, since the party was held fireworks in the Taipei 101 building five years ago, the building is always a center of the human throng. Old and young will meet over the area around the Taipei 101 building. The economy is moving in the crowd every year.

"There are hundreds of thousands of people who meet at locations around Taipei 101. Roads become very congested. However, every New Year's Eve I prefer at home, "said May, the slowly .

New icon

Taipei 101 building is located in the Sinyi (Xinyi) Road Sector 5 and is a magnet city of Taipei to attract tourists. Three floor was opened to tourists, the observation floor closed in the floor 89, floor observation in the open floor, 91, and the wind shaking the (Wind damper) on the floor 88.

To reach the floor, visitors are able to use the elevator company from the floor 5 to 89 floors in 37 seconds of time. The record lift was fastest in the world.

At that altitude, visitors can see the buildings in Taipei and the main row of mountains in the north, south and east.

In the new facilities are added, visitors can "walk on the clouds," because the floor and walls of the scenery below the Taipei 101 building complete with cloud . Meet the spending appetite, prepared five-floor space in buildings that offer basic brand world.

Meanwhile, all bookmarks different cities in the world and make welcome the New Year, Monas as bookmarks city people tend to be far from the payed development and maintenance. Park damaged and anticipating security is the reason.

In Jakarta, New Year's celebration in 2009 concentrated in Taman Mini Indonesia Indah and Taman Impian Jaya Ancol. (Wisnu Aji Dewabrata)

The Dark Knight DVD Released, Will the new record?

Muhammad Rozif Abdulloh

AUSTRALIA, THURSDAY - Digital Video Disc (DVD) movie The Dark Knight, which starred late actor Heath Ledger released to the market starting Thursday (11/12)) is. Attendance is expected to solve impasse can record DVD sales, which are held during this animated movie Finding Nemo. 

Skender Washari from EzyDVD be sure, the future success of The Dark Knight, be given the movie worked Christopher Nolan, the successful film in box office ladder. Until now, its still in the order of the fourth film with the highest income along with the Titanic, Lord of the Rings: Return of the King and Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest. Until the current income of reached the number has reached more than one billion U.S. dollars. 

"There was increasing the volume of demand for three to four times higher than normal," said Washari. 
Heath Ledger is also believed to be the key factor that will push up its DVD sales. Washari predicts sales fall in most homes in the area of the country Ledger of Western Australia (WA). "Sales in WA likely will be the sales more strong instead of the other countries," said Washari. 

Confidence is also the manager director of Warner Home Video Roger Clarke. According to him, with the DVD release of The Dark Knight, expected to be increasingly popular among the viewers at home. "This launch (DVD) The most awaited this year and we hope to be good," he said. 

The Dark Knight DVD released five months after the death of Ledger, which is very tragic. This is a last best film, after impresses appear in the film Brokeback Mountain. Some movie critics rate among appearance as the Joker in the movie The Dark Knight is eligible to receive Oscar in the Best Actor category. ( / AP / EH)

Odiva Win Awards Franchisor of the Year 2008

Muhammad Rozif Abdulloh

JAKARTA, THURSDAY - Odiva snatch the U.S. franchisor of The Year 2008 in the arena of Indonesian Franchise Award (IFA) 2008 version of Franchise Association of India (AFI) and the Magazine Franchise Info. Business CD and DVD rental is successfully set aside 82 other brands. 

"Nice, I consider this a pride because it is not easy to achieve this award.'s Strict selection process, especially the first time this award is given to the franchisor," said President Director Odiva hero tycoon received the award at the Le Meridien Hotel, Jakarta, Thursday (11/12) night. 

Hero said, this award can be one indication that Odiva is one of the franchisor, which can be selected to join those who open business. In addition Odiva, this place also gives the Indonesian Franchise of The Year 2008 to franchisees Veneta System, Suhut Tumpal. Winners of the award categories Indonesian Franchise-Up Star Award 2008 is Bridal Motor, a motorcycle salon business. 

On the other hand, the Chairman of the Indonesian Franchise Association Anang Sukandar said, the award is to motivate the franchise business in Indonesia to be able to run the business better. "With this will be to develop the franchise business in Indonesia," he said. 

Events of this award also treat by traditional dance and music.

Investors fate Antaboga float

Muhammad Rozif Abdulloh

JAKARTA - And the investment, investors Antaboga PT Delta Securities Indonesia still float up to the board of directors because the organization does not currently provide any explanation.

In fact, there are no representatives Antaboga responded that the presence of a number of investors in the office, Jalan Wolter Monginsidi L No. 88, Jakarta, on Wednesday (3/12/2008).

The security officers who serve in the office of the journalists Antaboga said, is a two-day Director of Home (Dirut) Hendro Wiyanto absent without clear reasons.

"Here, the public relations staff also no explanation must be that all of the directors," said Joni, one of the security Antaboga.

Antaboga office atmosphere more and the number of customers who come also, according to Joni, is not as Tuesday (2/12/2008). there are only four customers who come today.

One of the investors named Budi admitted to have about five to six times Antaboga come to the office, but also not meet with Dirut.

Yesterday also, said Budi only been waiting in the back room receptionist without the certainty of when to meet Hendro Wiyanto. "In just sitting there," he said.

budi is around ten years to customers of Bank Century Tbk. Concurrently with that, the Bank propose abique investment products from Antaboga which is a 8.78 percent owner of Century shares.

In this case, Century Bank became the agent the seller Antaboga investment products. Bank statements in accordance parties, Budi said, is purchasing products that mutual funds Protected bertenor three years, with the yield level of 13 percent.

He had some interesting times funds (redemption) for realitations profits. "Only the last is not the only redemption," the blogosphere.

No half-hearted, Budi said the amount of funds invested in Antaboga reach billions of rupiah. He rejected the call detail, but observed, under Rp10 billion. (Meutia Rahmi / Sindo / rhs)

Will the Earth because of Calamity Planet X (NIBIRU)? part 1

Muhammad Rozif Abdulloh

Among "the people" at NASA, DoD (military intelligence agency), SETI and the CIA have been predicted, if 2 / 3 of the population of planet earth will be extinct, when the turnover occurred poles, which caused the advent of Planet X. The remaining population to survive, threatened by the danger of starvation and radiation elements, within 6 months after the incident. 

All operating secret aware of this reality, and they have to prepare. Come, Vatican also know this. Unfortunately, the public is left it without information, driven by left day-to-day life, without a chance to prepare themselves for facing this disaster. 
Uncover information from among a handful "of people" and of observers, to make the public will be interested in starting this. Why this disaster so concealed from the public? If to create a global uproar, it will affect the money market and lead to paralysis world economy. 

Should the public be given the opportunity to prepare. 
Hopefully, after reading this, we can be more vigilant yes! 

Okay .. this time, we observe the development of charming natural disaster, the number of natural disasters, more and more. This caused the connection between plasmatic electromagnetic the planet. Had a long, if the sun  have a dark Marton (superseded versions of the sun). Now, He was prepared to location downloading a graft-it-now Planet X. Right between the sun and his twin. 

Note: Marton sun is not seen with our eyes.

However, scientists have to find it. In the "Illustrated Encyclopedia of Science & Invention" volume to 18, published years 19871989, is listed Marton question the existence of this sun. 

A group of Russian scientists hold a series of meetings in 2000, to discuss the planet X. This has become a source of Reuters news with the headline "events in 2003" (published Reuters News Office, edition of 13 September 2000). 

Core meetings is the arrival of natural Planet X, which already exists in the monitor research from Russia. Scientists ask questions, if this happens, Russia will still exist? 

Scientist Andrei Shukshin states, the meeting also discussed about the reduction in the number of residents in the global great to great, as a result of this event. 

Sure, Planet X, and indeed there downloading its orbit. But, will collide with the earth? This is still learned. 

research St.Petersburg in Russia, Planet X observation about the ongoing intensive. Scientists named the planet with a "Sun King" or "The Big Star." 

Not many scientists who are willing to share information concerning this planet, because of concerns will cause a global panic. NASA officials and many wordless create a "home Dome" is the house special, with special construction, a hurricane-resistant storm, earthquake and wind resistance Tornado. "Home Dome" should be built in the hilly area, far from the beach. 
They have access to information, have to prepare. And the majority of the same once I understand this problem, go with the flow only. 

Planet X is also known by the name of Nibiru, or called "Wormwood," is a celestial body outside of the most frequently mentioned since olden times. 

After downloading its orbit during the year 3600, to 10 this planet will come again. The impact of the coming Planet X to the earth, have noted our ancestors thousands of years ago. Geological Science and Archeology also downloading a graft-it-now.

Women's Clothing Design Fashion dominance Exploration

Muhammad Rozif Abdulloh

In the arena of party mode most Akbar "Fashion Exploration 2009" held Entrepreneur Fashion Designer Association of Indonesia (APPMI) some 58 works exhibit designer clothes hottest. Each designer got a chance to showcase the clothing of men and 15 women, or the collection of all women.

Composition design clothes that women dominate is to deliver question mark. To the Chairman of the General APPMI Taruna K Kusmayadi provide descriptions.

"Most of the men appear to have Fashionable, but for the development of the business is still menswear is not women's clothes. This is based on the image of women more than men, style," said the designer who often the call luna time with okezone in Paradise Room, Jakarta Convention Center, Jakarta, Wednesday (3/12/2008).

While the phenomenon is still ongoing in the creative industries in Indonesia, however, Nuna seemed confident the country can meet the needs of customers.

"With a phenomenon like this has become a pelecut designers to create collections that are suitable for their needs," the man with a glass eye this supplement.

When the market situation, men are still less competitive than the women, Nuna is able to provide fresh wind of the designer-designer in Indonesia to create more viable.

"How this situation is also not the responsibility of the designer, because the men had actually been there. Just to be smart, almost designers the opportunity to catch it. So I believe the future to market men's clothing better, provided the designer knows how to create works that needed them, "he said. (NSA)