Women's Clothing Design Fashion dominance Exploration
Muhammad Rozif Abdulloh
In the arena of party mode most Akbar "Fashion Exploration 2009" held Entrepreneur Fashion Designer Association of Indonesia (APPMI) some 58 works exhibit designer clothes hottest. Each designer got a chance to showcase the clothing of men and 15 women, or the collection of all women.
Composition design clothes that women dominate is to deliver question mark. To the Chairman of the General APPMI Taruna K Kusmayadi provide descriptions.
"Most of the men appear to have Fashionable, but for the development of the business is still menswear is not women's clothes. This is based on the image of women more than men, style," said the designer who often the call luna time with okezone in Paradise Room, Jakarta Convention Center, Jakarta, Wednesday (3/12/2008).
While the phenomenon is still ongoing in the creative industries in Indonesia, however, Nuna seemed confident the country can meet the needs of customers.
"With a phenomenon like this has become a pelecut designers to create collections that are suitable for their needs," the man with a glass eye this supplement.
When the market situation, men are still less competitive than the women, Nuna is able to provide fresh wind of the designer-designer in Indonesia to create more viable.
"How this situation is also not the responsibility of the designer, because the men had actually been there. Just to be smart, almost designers the opportunity to catch it. So I believe the future to market men's clothing better, provided the designer knows how to create works that needed them, "he said. (NSA)
Composition design clothes that women dominate is to deliver question mark. To the Chairman of the General APPMI Taruna K Kusmayadi provide descriptions.
"Most of the men appear to have Fashionable, but for the development of the business is still menswear is not women's clothes. This is based on the image of women more than men, style," said the designer who often the call luna time with okezone in Paradise Room, Jakarta Convention Center, Jakarta, Wednesday (3/12/2008).
While the phenomenon is still ongoing in the creative industries in Indonesia, however, Nuna seemed confident the country can meet the needs of customers.
"With a phenomenon like this has become a pelecut designers to create collections that are suitable for their needs," the man with a glass eye this supplement.
When the market situation, men are still less competitive than the women, Nuna is able to provide fresh wind of the designer-designer in Indonesia to create more viable.
"How this situation is also not the responsibility of the designer, because the men had actually been there. Just to be smart, almost designers the opportunity to catch it. So I believe the future to market men's clothing better, provided the designer knows how to create works that needed them, "he said. (NSA)