Investors fate Antaboga float

Muhammad Rozif Abdulloh

JAKARTA - And the investment, investors Antaboga PT Delta Securities Indonesia still float up to the board of directors because the organization does not currently provide any explanation.

In fact, there are no representatives Antaboga responded that the presence of a number of investors in the office, Jalan Wolter Monginsidi L No. 88, Jakarta, on Wednesday (3/12/2008).

The security officers who serve in the office of the journalists Antaboga said, is a two-day Director of Home (Dirut) Hendro Wiyanto absent without clear reasons.

"Here, the public relations staff also no explanation must be that all of the directors," said Joni, one of the security Antaboga.

Antaboga office atmosphere more and the number of customers who come also, according to Joni, is not as Tuesday (2/12/2008). there are only four customers who come today.

One of the investors named Budi admitted to have about five to six times Antaboga come to the office, but also not meet with Dirut.

Yesterday also, said Budi only been waiting in the back room receptionist without the certainty of when to meet Hendro Wiyanto. "In just sitting there," he said.

budi is around ten years to customers of Bank Century Tbk. Concurrently with that, the Bank propose abique investment products from Antaboga which is a 8.78 percent owner of Century shares.

In this case, Century Bank became the agent the seller Antaboga investment products. Bank statements in accordance parties, Budi said, is purchasing products that mutual funds Protected bertenor three years, with the yield level of 13 percent.

He had some interesting times funds (redemption) for realitations profits. "Only the last is not the only redemption," the blogosphere.

No half-hearted, Budi said the amount of funds invested in Antaboga reach billions of rupiah. He rejected the call detail, but observed, under Rp10 billion. (Meutia Rahmi / Sindo / rhs)