Sexy with the Belly

Muhammad Rozif Abdulloh

That's just a dance, Belly dance training can provide mild exercise (low impact) but effective fat burning. How exercise his?

In Indonesia, Belly dance to get his perspective awry, erotic dancers identical with that section. Actually, the original dance choreography Middle East that have myriad benefits.

"Belly dance is taken from Middle Eastern culture, such as Egypt, Arabia, or Turkey. But, when the movement is to be modified into a fitness center and provide more benefits for the body," says Miftahul Jannah, trainers Belly dance club in Kelapa Gading, Jakarta.

"In contrast with the high impact aerobic, Belly dance more lightweight and low impact. Do not wrong, just one hour practice, the body is sweat," explained Uul, greeting familiar Miftahul.

Belly dance training is very flexible. Not to be done in the classroom or the gym, can also in the house. For example, before the bath while weak in front of the mirror, sitting, watching television and others. "In fact, men are allowed to try," said Uul.

Belly dance training is concentrated in the waist (hip), rib bones (ribs), shoulder to foot. Glance, easily visible movement. Actually, need patience to make the muscles and body parts can be flexible and able to move beautifully. There is still a warming as usual for 10 minutes head start to the neck, to maintain flexible during training.

For beginners, required to know basic first movement. Namely the concentration on the shoulder, waist, and feet.
Techniques learned quite a lot. There are tags in the stomach or pressing into. Other techniques, such as the buttocks are not to hold back, holding the chest to form the front, holding the shoulders, waist moves, moves up to thigh in line strong feet. All done with the bland.

"Belly dancing good exercise for the body's shape, sagging, and the breath," said Uul.

To the level of information, a movement that is the variations from the basic movement and development. Usually there will be more difficult movements callisthenics, such as unification and steps. Tempo even more quickly to the music or the Arab Middle East that smart.

In fact, Belly dance is called to have the privilege to practice female genital area. In conducting the movement in the hips and tags, for example, female genital area will reciprocate, but not followed the movement buttocks. Or, shimi movement that focuses on the thigh. Here, there is pressure from the top, bottom, and side.

"Many of you have commented to me after the class Belly dance, the more harmonious household," said Uul smile.

Belly dance training is also very practical. Because enough is done twice a week, one hour once training. Movement training base by 10-20 minutes.

Proceed with the exercise routines (core) for 25 minutes. In the end, there is a class cooling down for 5 minutes. In each movement, just do the rehearsal for 2 x 8 with a maximum of 30 seconds of rest.

As a variation, especially for the advanced class, can be added accessories such as scarves (veil) to exercise the shoulder, scarf Belly dance (and beautify the spirit moves waist) and simbal to harmonize with the tempo of the music sounds. Simbal blend voice and scarf will beautify the movement. I realize, we danced at the same time make the body section.
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