Google GoThrough The Domain of Voice
Muhammad Rozif Abdulloh

San Francisco - a more sophisticated technology, the more minimal human effort spent to access them. Things that are lively discussed in the company's largest search engine in the world, Google.
Google is weighing an application to add free iPhone, which allows users to explore the virtual world with the power of voice.
Google steps taken this is the way for
Google is weighing an application to add free iPhone, which allows users to explore the virtual world with the power of voice.
Google steps taken this is the way for
his rival compensate, Microsoft and Yahoo, which has earlier launched the service to explore the Internet with only a question properly asked in general.
As evidence of seriousness in Google's latest plan, the company that digawangi pair of friends Sergey Brin and Larry Page has started to set up a special phone line toll numbered GOOG411. With the call to this number, callers can speak to a computer system that will find the desired information.
Prior to Google's advanced search using the domain of sound, last year Yahoo had earlier launched the introduction of voice services using oneSearch, and Live Search service owned by Microsoft, the concept is almost similar to one another, which is driven by sound to enjoy mobile internet services.
However, although the two have terlangkahi by rivalnya, Google still dare to claim that their service can be more reliable. Moreover, with his patent for their search engine that can be used with only empowers the voice of Google in 2006.
"Technology is introducing a sound that now there is apparently still have a high level of error for the size of the various vocabulary," said Google spokesperson as reported by the Times of India, Saturday (15/11/2008).
For information, the service has started tersdia in the iTunes digital music store starting this weekend.