Record Trade Deficit Japan in October
Muhammad Rozif Abdulloh

TOKYO - Japan's trade deficit report on the export of cars and electronic equipment that occurred in October. This is a global financial crisis turmoil.
Digit deficit reached 63.9 billion yen (USD665 million) or reverse from a surplus of 999.4 billion yen a year earlier. While the average market is estimated to be as much surplus 104.8 billion yen.
Exports fell 7.7 percent from the previous year to be 6926.1 billion yen. This is the first decrease in four months. Delivery of the car plunged 15 percent, while electronic devices down 12.6 percent.
Imports increased 7.4 percent to 6990.1 billion yen, or an increase to 13 months in a row and became the highest increase in October as higher energy costs to continue to push up the value of imports.
Surplus from the United States (U.S.), down 27.5 percent, while the EU has 24.8 percent. Surplus from other parts of Asia also fell 38.7 percent due to the deficit widen from 27.3 percent of China's exports because of the decline.
Previously, Japan has a historical opportunity to enjoy a surplus of demand because of sharpness car and other products. However, the turmoil the global financial crisis and the strengthening yen "hit" export.
Japan's trade deficit last report in August. This note is the red during the first 26 years, except in January, when exports tend to slow as the New Year holiday. (Susi Susanti / Sindo / U)