Osama "Versus" Obama
Muhammad Rozif Abdulloh

In the first television interview after being selected as president-44 to the United States, Barack Obama direct entry to break the issue in the relationship with the old regime in the United States. Symbolic action that will be done is to close the Guantanamo prison, which still save approximately 250 political prisoners called the terrorist nation and never brought to the table green.
Prison is full of controversy and Obama said that torture is not customary political United States. By closing the prison, one thing that would be submitted, namely the United States has a moral standard that applies prove as a civilized nation.
Questions that immediately catch is, whether politics should be associated with the moral?
Nation anomaly
Throughout the XX century, the nation United States always feel as nation special. The nation is preparing his country with a democratic way, control the most advanced technology, develop the most productive economy, and military power the most. And, above all, the United States who have developed a mass culture that most successfully, from the Coca-Cola, music, movies, and various other types of product consumption.
As the power giant, the United States enjoy the peak of success when the Soviet Union fall 1991, and the feast that complacence recorded by Fukuyama in a book, The End of History. That is, in this world there is only one political system is "correct", namely, liberal democracy that guarantees the continuation of capitalism.
Nation anomaly in the sense that both of them are not in this world, since that time, continuously build self-description as the only center of the highway. United States enthrone himself as the guard of civilization of mankind. And, as virtually a religious conviction, guard civilization of mankind is running in what is often considered a religious act that is not with morality, namely, the Inquisition.
Inquisition action means that a learner-"religion" and start to observe who he met, whether that person is obedient to the doctrines and teachings of the religion by the incuistator it.
Guantanamo prison is a kind of prison, the kind of punishment imposed by the Pope in Rome in the XVII century convict Galileo as the telescope to find him and "see" that the world is not the center of the universe. This time, the number of people from the Middle East who do not see that the United States is the center of the world. They see that the United States is the center of the moral decadence.
Is the close Guantanamo prison, Obama is able to display itself as a president of the modern world and not a head of state acting as a moral leader of the world to make America less alias theocratic?
World move
Under George W Bush Jr., the United States is not much different with Saudi Arabia or Iran. And, strange mixture between religious fundamentalism and ingar-scene financial capitalism. Such things are common with the neo-called socially constructed or neo-lib.
So, to understand whether it is Obama stepped to the front to make changes, only in the paradigm of political relations with the nations of the United States during this, we will be able to surmise what kind of coverage that will be offered by the new president.
In terms of a more careful, the United States commonly known as a junky type of progress. This means someone who only know forward and backward never know, or think or re reflektif. Throughout the political progress that guarantee, any content and his character, need not be. And, this is called pragmatism.
Therefore, if Obama start its work as head of state and started with a moral message, namely that substantive reject torture and pillage the independence of the haphazardly-the question is, versus Osama Obama will go to which direction?
Padamnya Americanism
In the fast moving world, one of the most misleading of the political realities is the fact that the nation state is fully demoded start. Globalization and the information made lenyapnya "center", also in the world system.
Now is no longer valid view that there is a world center and the periphery. Sector edge in the United States, as there is in the central sector of Indonesia. State-ie, nation-state by the more remote communities and sectors with market-sector, and regard antarsektor that spread throughout the world and establish their own system.
In other words, Americanism, which is regarded as the world's torch has been suppressed. Anything done by the United States political people, from presidents to people lobiis, will not be re-ignite the torch never considered there.
Associate with the political morality is not the slightest alleviate the misery spread throughout the world caused by the merry-making capitalism American nations that recession in the world today.
Emmanuel Subangun Sociologist