Michael Jackson Log in Islam
Muhammad Rozif Abdulloh

Michael Jackson who grew up in the religion of Jehovah Witnesses, called a sit on the floor and put a small cap on sahadat residence when Steve Porcaro, music composers on the album Thriller.
He was interested in Islam after discussions with the author tracks the origin of Canada, David Wharnsby and producer Phillip Bubal.
"They talk to him about their confidence and how they become better after the entry of Islam. Michael immediately interested. A priest called from the mosque and Michael sahadat say," said a source.
Jackson brother, Jermaine Friday, previously gave the signal that the star is considering to embrace Islam.
"When I return from Makkah, I gave her many books and he asked about the many things about my religion and I decided a peaceful and beautiful," said Friday that embraced Islam since 1989. (ANT