Make Money Online With SFI Affiliate Program

Muhammad Rozif Abdulloh

This is my favorit affiliate program, because it's FREE to join & support me with FREE valuable online training too. I can make money online even without having my own website because it is already provided by SFI. SFI is my first time experience in touch with internet marketing. I needed a lot of times to learn the system and start having the clues to run the program, but now i'm so glad because SFI is a realy proven program that works to earn extra income for me even while i'm sleeping. Below is the screenshot of my earning history from SFI, you can click the picture to see it in actual size and let it be the proof for you that SFI is a realy a legitimate home based business opportunity.

It's free & easy to join SFI affiliate program, just sign up here to make an account then you will be directed to take "Smart Start" steps. You must finish this step by completing all the given forms. The next step to get succeed with SFI is: following the PATH (Personalised Affiliate Training Home). There will be 8 steps or action list that you should do to help you building your successful SFI business. Just follow the PATH then you will see the result :)!

SFI commission payment has many options, i prefer to choose SFI Cash Card because my commission will be directly transfered to my Payoneer Card and i can withdraw the funds from any ATM with MasterCard logo and this card can be used to verify your PayPal account. Here is more information about this card!

Click the picture below to see it in larger size !

see my other blog that explains more about SFI at