China Block Site GNR album "Chinese Democracy"
Muhammad Rozif Abdulloh

Chinese Democrasy album is the first band of origin after the United States absent for 17 years. Chinesedemocracy.com site is not accessible in China. Baidu also is the gateway to block the search "Chinese Democracy". However, based on monitoring of AFP, on Monday morning, China's public still can access the albums 14 tracks through MySpace.
Minister of Culture of China stated that the album exaggerate and valuable provocation. "This is the first time there is a song about Chinese democracy," said the spokesperson for the Ministry of Culture of China, as quoted AFP on Monday (24/11/2008). However, it can not determine whether the album was banned in China.
In these sites, managers also conducted a poll, whether confirming if the Chinese government reserves the right to block such sites. Some 70 percent said "yes".
"I think GNR has been mocking, one of understanding, and humiliate our country," said one explanation sounds Tiffany in Guangzhou who write in the social networking culture Douban.com.
but is not also a little circles that it criticizes not agree with the album. "You only judge, are going to hear the contents of the song. understand," a Mr Lee said that on the same site.
However, many also ask that it be wise. "Green Day album to have 'American idiot'. But if they released the album 'Chinese idiot', I believe the Chinese people will be resentful," said Shippo7, other authors comment. (tons)
News: china