Be careful, Free Sex can trigger Hepatitis B!
Muhammad Rozif Abdulloh

According to dr Widarjati S. KGEH from Hospital Family Partners, Jakarta, hepatitis is inflammation of the liver network (hearth). "Someone said to be infected with hepatitis depending on the type of hepatitis itself and the factors cause. Infection can be caused by viruses, medicines, chemicals, Hypersensitivity reactions, and can also result from a systemic infection that weight," he explained.
There are three phases of the symptoms of hepatitis caused by the virus. First, the preliminary phase. Symptoms are the body such as fever virus infection is common, similar to the flu were attacked. This phase lasts about one week to ten days. Second, the yellow phase, or phase called a cabal. In this phase, patients become yellow and lasts for 3-4 weeks. Finally, the healing phase.
In principle, hepatitis will recover perfect, depending on the type of virus that diidap. With viral hepatitis A will recover perfectly. While the virus with hepatitis B and C and sometimes not recover 10-50 percent perfect and can become chronic. Chronic hepatitis, which will be changed to sirocis hepatis. When you have this, lives will harden and his cell-cell will be changed to fiber.
Hepatitis will recover because the body consists of primitive cells. "If to recover spontaneously, hepatitis B around 80-90 percent. Hepatitis C will recover perfect about 50-60 percent only. But when you have a chronic hepatitis, required special treatment," he said.
Hepatitis B
Currently, many people affected by the disease hepatitis B. Approximately 1 of 20 people in Thailand infected with this disease. Because of the pattern of life is not healthy, use the goods that are not sterile and the young crowd that exceeded the limit. A person can be infected with hepatitis B because of free association or free sex. Anyone can be affected by hepatitis B.
In a normal heart, liver smoothly without visible damage. Next is the stage liver damage. At this stage, the hearts will be broken little by little, and then cirrhosis or violence occurred in the liver. The surface will be damaged and bruised and establish a network scars. The more severe, hepatitis C can be changed into liver cancer. When exposed to cancer, damage to gain weight. These cancers can spread to the entire body.
The danger of stiffening heart blood flow is interrupted. When this happens, blood will return to the alimentary tract or stomach cavity. After that, blood will be broken, so then vomiting of blood. Also become feces. Another danger caused by the hepatitis virus is a poison in the body will not leave because accumulate in the blood. If so, the result can be fatal. Death.
Transmission and Prevention
Hepatitis B can be transmitted through blood (transfusions and syringes), through the placenta and fetus in the womb through body fluids (saliva and sperm). There is also a horizontal transmission, such as to family, friends, or the other through direct contact. It is also through physical contact such as toothbrushes or shaving equipment. Hepatitis B virus can be identified by the diagnosis and the use of the tool called Rapid Test. This tool has the advantage because quick, effective, efficient and comfortable.
Hepatitis B can be prevented with a vaccination. Vaccination should be given to the newborn, energy and medical workers, all those who have not divaksin, family members of people with hepatitis B, gays, and the free sex. Vaccination has been recommended by genetic engineering does not cause side effects. Vaccine that contains antibodies can be 100 percent effective in protecting the body from the attack of hepatitis B.
(Genie / Genie / tty)